Saturday, March 1, 2014

ORGANIZING-Chores of the day

I made this several months ago to get the kids excited about doing chores, as well as help organize our chores for every day.  Kevin and I work pretty late though, so it is very difficult for us to do chores on a daily basis with the kids.  Kevin typically gets home around 9:00pm from work, and I get home after picking up the kids from daycare and after school care around 6:30pm.  And all we typically have time for is finishing homework, dinner (that's hopefully already made in the crockpot), bath, books and bed by 8:30pm. 

So..this does actually work really well to keep chores organized and get the kids excited to help... when we decide to use it (mostly on the weekends). LOL
But as you can see, there are Velcro patches available for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Once a chore is finished, the kids put the chore into the envelope for that day. 

**This does not include daily chores that we do like washing dishes, picking up, cleaning rooms, making beds, kitchen table etc.  It only includes the "big" chores like laundry (separated by who's laundry it is-kids, whites, mommy/daddy's, towels), taking recycling out, bathrooms, sweep/mop, vacuum, dusting.

That's how the Wrightsman family of 5 do it anyway.  :)  Do what works for your family.  This just makes chores a little more fun and organized.

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