Wednesday, February 5, 2014

100 Days of School - DIY Puffy Paint

Cadence (our Kindergartner), had to make a "100 days of school" project on a poster board provided for her.  This year, we decided to go with 100 cookies.  The teacher specified that the items had to be in groups of 10.  So, of course we put 10 cookies on 10 "plates". 

To make the project more interesting and fun, Cadence helped me make DIY puffy paint to put "icing" on her cookies.  So here is how you make it!  :) 

What you'll need:
1 bottle of glue
1 bottle of colored glue (or glitter glue)
1 can of shaving cream
I honestly just played with the ingredients to figure out what consistency I wanted.  I began with 1.5 cups of shaving cream, then just began stirring in the glue and glitter glue.  After Cadence colored 10 brown circles inside each plate, we added the "icing" with a Q tip onto each cookie.  We then added glitter to the cookies because...I mean...who doesn't want sprinkles on their frosted cookies? Right??

Cadence is so proud of her "100 cookies on 10 plates" project.

And with my leftover puffy paint, I decided to use it with my patients for Valentines Day!  You could use it to paint hearts, valentines, candy hearts, cute little teddy bears holding hearts, and other lovey dovey Valentines Day stuff....or just let your kids make a big ol' mess!....HAVE FUN!  The possibilities are endless.....  :)

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